1. The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been developing since early 1970’s in India. Philanthropy and CSR is not a novel concept for Indian Companies. Even before the introduction of any statutory guidelines, some of the Companies where discharging their Corporate Social Responsibilities by engaging themselves in socio economic and other philanthropic activities like promoting education, contributing to the social benefits in the situations of natural calamities and health of the common people by organizing health camps. With the passage of the Companies Act 2013, the mandate for corporate service responsibility has been formally introduced to the dash Board of the Indian Companies. The CSR mandate is an attempt to supplement the Govt. efforts of equitably delivering the benefits of the growth and to engage the corporate world with the Country’s development agenda.1.2. Though there is no specific commonly applicable definition of CSR, it is the “continuous commitment by the business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of work force and their families as well as local community and society”. It is the responsibility of the corporate entity toward the society in consideration of the support given and sacrifice made by the society. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the concept where by organizations serve the interest of the society by taking the responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, employees, shareholders, communities, environment in all aspects of their operation.1.3. As per the Companies Act 2013 and rules made under clause 135 the CSR “ means and includes but is not limited to (i) Projects and program relating to activities specified in schedule VII to the Act or (ii) projects and programs relating to activities under taken by Board of Directors of the Company in pursuance of recommendations of the CSR Committee of the Board as per the declared CSR policy of the Company subject to the condition that such policy will cover subjects enumerated in schedule VII of the Act”.1.4. Our Companies Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy is broadly based on the principles of National voluntary guidelines on social, environmental and economic responsibilities of business released by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs on Business Responsibility Reporting, Companies Act 2013.2. OBJECTIVES OF THE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) POLICY.

      2.1 The objectives of the CSR policy is to promote socio economic development in rural areas, improve education, eradicate extreme hunger and poverty, promote gender equality and empowering women, reducing child mortality and improving maternal health, health care and sanitization, ensuring environmental sustainability, employment enhancing vocational skills, social business projects, promoting and protecting natural heritage and culture and such other matters of common good.

      2.2 Contribution to the prime Ministers National relief fund or any other fund set up by Central Govt. or State Govt. for social economic development, relief and rehabilitation of persons effected by natural calamities, funds for the welfare of schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes and other backward classes, minority and women.

      2.3 Promotion and Financing any other activities to be advised by the Govt. or approved by the Board from time to time.

  1. FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CSR POLICY:  3.1 The CSR Committee of the Board shall formulate and recommend a CSR policy to the Board, indicating the activities to be under taken under CSR policy which is in tune with the Schedule VII of the Companies Act and any modifications made by the Govt. from time to time. The Committee shall also review the CSR policy from time to time / once in a year or such other periodical intervals as may be required. The Company shall study the CSR policies of other peer group housing finance companies and take necessary guidance for the CSR activities, mode of spending CSR funds for eligible activities at periodical intervals and recommend to the CSR Committee, any modifications in the policy, objectives and allocation/ spending of CSR funds.3.2 The CSR Committee shall estimate, compute the amount of expenditure to be incurred on CSR activities on an annual basis or project to project basis. All the expenditure to be incurred towards CSR activities shall be reviewed by the Board, subject to such monitory ceilings as may be prescribed by the Company’s Act.3.3 The CSR Committee of the Board to monitor the progress in implementation of CSR projects and programs and report to the Board at half yearly intervals for review.

    3.4 The CSR Committee shall approve the activities and budget for CSR expenditure from time to time and review such expenditure at half yearly intervals. The Company may also examine contributing a portion of the eligible amount to Prime Ministers National Relief Fund and such other activities and get the benefit of Tax concession and complying with the Statutory requirements.

  2. THE CSR ACTIVITES AND STRATEGY:  4.1 The CSR policy should exclude the normal business activities of the Company. As per the CSR policy the activities included by the Company are to be related to the activities included in schedule VII of the Companies Act. The CSR activities may be either independent projects and programs or activities, either new or ongoing, but will not include the activities that are undertaken in pursuance to the normal course of the business. Similarly, contribution of any amount directly or indirectly made to any political party shall not be considered as CSR activity. While, taking up any CSR activities and for spending the amount year marked for CSR activities, preference shall be given to local areas and areas in and around where the branches operate.4.2 The gist of the activities for which the Company will spend the targeted amount which specified in the objectives of the CSR policy, the Company may cover all or any of the following activities under the CSR undertaken in India. In other words expenditure incurred in CSR projects or programs or activities undertaken outside India are not eligible to be covered under CSR expenditure. The CSR policy of the company shall include the following activities:· Eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting preventive health care and sanitation and making available safe drinking water.

    · Promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly, and the differently abled and livelihood enhancement projects

    · Scholarship to the students , trainees etc., introduction of earn while you learn scheme to the poor students.

    · Promoting gender equality, empowering women, setting up homes and hostels for women and orphans; setting up old age homes, day care centres and such facilities for senior citizens and measures for reducing in equalities faced by socially and economically backward group

    · Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agro forestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining quality of soil, water and air.

    · Protection of national heritage, art and culture including restoration of building and sites of historical importance and works of arts and handicrafts.

    · Measure for benefits of armed forces veterons war widows and their dependents.

    · Training to promote rural sports, nationally recognised sports, Paralympics sports and Olympic sports.

    · Contribution to the Prime Ministers National Relief Fund or other fund set up by the Central Govt. for socio economic development and relief and welfare of the SC, ST and other backward classes, minorities and women.

    · Contributes or funds provided to technology incubators located within academics institutions which are approved by the Central Govt.

    · Rural Development and other community Projects of common interests.

    · Welfare majors for differently abled, old, homeless and the destitute.

    · Disaster management and activities including those related to amelioration and mitigation.

    The strategy for implementation of the CSR activities will be reviewed from time to time, The Board may decide to undertake the CSR activities approved by the CSR committee through a registered trust or a Society or a Company, established by the Company itself or its holding Company or any other Associate Company under Section 8 of the Companies Act.

    The Company may also entrust such CSR activities to any other Company, Society or Trust with established track record of 3 years in undertaking similar programs or projects. The modalities of utilisation of funds on such projects and programs and monitoring and reporting the mechanism will be introduced by the Company.

    The Company may also collaborate with other Companies, Trust, Societies for undertaking projects or programs or CSR activities in such a manner that the CSR Committees of the respective Companies are in a position to report separately on such projects or programs in accordance with the mechanism approved by the CSR Committee.

    Subject to the approval of CSR Committee of the Board, Company may also build the CSR capacities of the employees of the Company or other implementing Agencies through institutions with the established track records of at least 3 financial year.


The Chairperson & members of the committee are as follows:

Sl no Name of Director Designation Chairman/Member 
1Rishi AgarwalDirectorChairman
2Subhash RoyIndependent DirectorMember
3Siddiqur RehmanIndependent DirectorMember